Want Some Oatmeal?

Well Peace Corps training (PST) is over, so it’s time to start writing. I would say it’s been awhile since my last post, but that would have required actual writing to have occurred. Now some of you might be wondering, “Justin, what have you been doing for there for three months?” Not important right now. I’m going to talk about my day today.

9:00AM- I wake up…and hit the snooze button.

9:10AM- I actually wake up this time, and I waste time reading on my phone, on the toilet, because I can do that now. No more squatting for Justin (fingers crossed). My new home has a nice toilet, and it’s all I ever wanted. A small part of me misses having a squat toilet, but I left that small part behind. Sweet sweet porcelain please don’t leave me again.

9:40AM- Rawan (kindly) reminds me that I don’t have work and asks me to make the oatmeal for breakfast. I don’t know the amount needed to boil, so she tells me we need three scoops of oatmeal and two scoops of water. I assumed that amount was for one person.

9:42AM- I put in six scoops of oatmeal and four scoops of water to boil.

9:43AM- I realize I put in way too much oatmeal, but I persevere, like a champ, and cook it all anyways. I’ll con Rawan into eating it.

9:47AM- I failed at convincing Rawan to eat the extra oatmeal, and a portion large enough to feed a slightly obese man will now go to waste. It’s also extra dry because the correct oatmeal to water ratio should have been three scoops of water to two cups of oatmeal not vice versa. Rawan says I should offer it to our host family.

9:55AM- Rawan leaves for work. The remaining oatmeal is still uneaten.

10:02AM- I dump the oatmeal without offering to anyone. Why? Our host family hates oatmeal; they don’t eat it. I know this because, when I first moved in, I asked them how to make the very oatmeal I’ve squandered today. They had no clue. The oatmeal is at least a year old. I wasn’t going to put them or myself through the hassle of them eating my crappy oatmeal. I don’t want them pretending to enjoy crappy oatmeal just to be nice. I ate it by choice, and I don’t even like it that much.

10:05AM-12:05PM- I play video games for 2 hours.

12:05PM-1:05PM I lied. I played video games for 3 hours.

1:06PM- Productivity strikes, and I get the contact information for potential Georgian tutors in my city, and learn how to get reimbursed for buying medicine (Maybe the $1.75 street food wasn’t a good idea).