Procrastination at its Finest

I’m not going to lie, I’m having college flashbacks at this very moment. Very similar feeling to writing that dreadful essay and you have no idea what to fill up those 5 pages with. So naturally, you do everything else before you do what is supposed to be your priority.

But instead of an essay in college, it is packing for the Peace Corps. Nothing productive today. I think I had at least five staring matches with my clothes. I’ve had maybe 5 cookies (I know that has nothing to do with anything, but it is stress eating. Don’t judge). I may or may not be catching up on my TV shows right now.

In reality though, I’m not that behind. I’ve done 99% of my shopping. I already have a spreadsheet from weeks ago prepared. And I’ve also done 90% of the laundry I’m taking with me.

I think I just don’t want to pick things in the suitcases for several reasons 1) it is never fun 2) it just means I’m closer to leaving my family, friends, comfort, and luxury… and 3) I have all day tomorrow to do this.