Welcome to our Peace Corps Georgia Blog! I hope will you enjoy reading some of our posts on what it is like serving in the Peace Corps. The beautiful thing about this blog (I’m biased of course) is that you get three unique perspectives: one of a couple, one of a female IOD volunteer, and one of a male education volunteer.

Before Peace Corps, we are that couple that sometimes our own friends and family forget what city we are in. “Wait, where do you live now?” is actually a common question because traveling has become an addiction. We feel most at home with our backpacks on roaming around a foreign city. We also have moved every year or two to a new region in the U.S or lived abroad for the past 7 years. Naturally, when we told our parents that we are applying for the Peace Corps, they merely said, “Okay, what country do you think you will serve in?” The shocked looks and bewilderment of quitting our jobs in Silicon Valley was reserved for everyone else who do not know us well.
We became addicted to idea of traveling as a couple about 6 weeks into dating in 2008. We were friends first and Rawan wanted to study abroad in Europe. To forgo the idea of a long-distance relationship or breaking up, Justin proclaimed, “I’m coming with you!” Probably crazy since we made that plan a year in advance, were dating for less than 2 months, and it was for 6 months study abroad experience! Needless to say, it worked out. We studied abroad in the Netherlands in 2009 and then a year later in Hong Kong. Since the Netherlands, we have traveled to about 22 countries/territories as a couple.
During our travels, we always had the Peace Corps in mind. Living abroad for two years, learning a foreign language, and making a positive global impact gives a sense of purpose that we felt only the Peace Corps could provide. So we waited until we were married, kicked off our careers (only to later quit them) and applied to the Peace Corps!
Now, Rawan is serving as an IOD volunteer (Individual and Organizational Development) and Justin is serving in the English Education sector. Even one week after arriving in Georgia in April 2016, there are already enough stories to fill a book. We are trying to capture some of our great moments and share our experiences, joy, and struggles that come along with serving in Georgia.
Read on and let the adventures begin…
Thank you! My son is on his way over to join you right now. I will be reading every word you post!
My husband and I will be greeting all the new volunteers at the airport 🙂 I look forward to meeting your son!